Structural Steel
Scaffold Steel Plank
Scaffolding Accessories
Scaffolding System
Structural Steel
Scaffold Steel Plank
Scaffolding Accessories
Scaffolding System

What are the characteristics of the new bowl buckle scaffolding?

Released on Jan. 13, 2020

The main characteristics of bowl buckle scaffolding: it is the most widely used type of scaffolding.
   Bowl buckle scaffolding is mainly composed of steel pipes and fasteners, among which the more outstanding performance is the larger carrying capacity. When we set up the scaffolding, the collections and structures used are in accordance with the specifications of the bowl buckle scaffolding, so that it is safe to use.
   The steel pipes and accessories used in the bowl buckle scaffolding have national standards, and they are very simple and convenient to process, and very practical. Its application is very wide. Applicable to the construction of various building structures. The bowl buckle scaffold has a relatively large amount of materials and usage. When constructing and dismantling, the labor cost is relatively small, the labor cost is small, the construction efficiency is high, and the safety is very guaranteed.


The new bowl buckle scaffolding has a relatively long life, and it may last for more than ten years, because the use of bolts effectively prevents collisions between components. Disassembly can also be performed in the case of component corrosion, which truly achieves energy conservation and environmental protection.
   When the bowl buckle scaffold is used, it is necessary to comply with the safety technical specifications of the bowl buckle scaffold to reduce unnecessary losses. The above is the entire content of the editor, I hope to help you!
